Kode Etik Penelitian Ilmiah di Internet
Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mendapati beberapa peneliti yang mengumpulkan data lewat media internet. Bagaimanakah pendapat khalayak tentang penelitian yang dilakukan di internet? Layakkah? Atau malah sebaliknya?
"Research on the internet is valuable, not only because it can provide insight into a new and important communication channel, but also because the net opens up the possibility to study known phenomena in new ways." - from the Research ethics guidelines for internet research. (http://ethicsportfolio.blogspot.com)
Tulisan ni saya saya sadur dari Natalie Young dalam Internet Research Ethics, dengan ruang lingkup Electronic Pathfinder (e-pathfinder), yang berisi: General Resources Detailed Resources Opinions Books. Untuk masing-masing rinciannya adalah sebagai berikut:
Association of Internet Researchers
This website is host the Association of Internet Researchers and has a wealth of of general as well as specific information on internet research. While membership is required to view detailed information many of the resources on the site are free, including the Ethics report approved by the membership of AoIR.
Code of Ethics of the American Library Association
This websites provides the code of ethics approved the American Library Association. It is an excellent starting point for librarians to use a basis when conducting online research.
This website is an internet library for librarians and provides links to a wealth of information. Although, the site doesn’t focus on ethics specifically it is a good place to get background materials, including information on copyright.
Journal of Ethics and Information Technology
This journal has an online abstract archive going back to March 1999. Purchase of full text articles is available. “Ethics and Information Technology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the dialogue between moral philosophy and the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The journal aims to foster and promote reflection and analysis which is intended to make a constructive contribution to answering the ethical, social and political questions associated with the adoption, use, and development of ICT.”
Ethical Decision Making and Internet Research
This document provides an in-depth discussion of recommendations from AoIR on ethical decision making.
Internet Research Ethics
Ethical Issues of Online Communication Research
“The paper addresses several ethical issues in online communication research in light of digital ontology as well as the epistemological questions raised by the blurring boundary between fact and theory in this field.”
What is special about the ethical issues in online research?
“In the analysis of the ethical problems of online research, there is much to be learned from the work that has already been done on research ethics in the social sciences and the humanities. I discuss the structure of norms in the Norwegian ethical guidelines for research in the social sciences with respect to their relevance for the ethical issues of Internet research.”
“The main purpose of these notes is to increase awareness about a "macro-level" issue in Internet research ethics. This second issue is about the restrictions on the dissemination of research reports that are imposed if they are published only in journals that require the "consumer" of research to pay for access. In contrast, research reports that are freely and openly accessible online may have much greater impact, especially on those who are not themselves researchers or scholars in developed countries.”
Lihat resource yang lain:
Prinsip Metodologi Penelitian
Definisi Penelitian
Jenis-jenis Penelitian
Kode Etik Penelitian di Internet
How to Do Ethnographic Research: A Simplified Guide
Sampling Methods
Components of a Research Proposal
Rencana Kerja Penulisan Proposal Skripsi
Sample Proposal (English)
Sample Proposal (Arabic)
Proposal Penelitian Kualitatif
Proposal Penelitian Kuantitatif
Proposal Penelitian Kajian Pustaka
Proposal Penelitian Pengembangan
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